"Contemporary Central & East European Law"

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"Contemporary Central & East European Law" is a scientific journal of the Institute of Law Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, replacing the suspended in 2000 quarterly bilingual journal published since 1964, titled ‘Droit Polonais Contemporain – Polish Contemporary Law’ (ISSN 0070-7325). Since the CC&EEL aim is to internationally showcase the best works of outstanding researchers from the region, the journal is to be published in English an academic and double-blind peer reviewed legal journal, complying with the highest international standards.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
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    Contemporary Central & East European Law 2023, No 2. (134)
    (Publishing House of ILS PAS, 2023) Szentgáli-Tóth, Boldizsár; Siwik, Robert; Florecka, Joanna; Sperka-Cieciura, Alina; Wernicka, Kinga; Schulz, Anna Natalia; Urbańska-Łukaszewicz, Anna
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    "Contemporary Central & East European Law" 2019, no. 1 (133)
    (Publishing House of ILS PAS, 2019) Młynarska-Sobaczewska, Anna; Kubuj, Katarzyna; Mężykowska, Aleksandra; Domańska, Monika; Miąsik, Dawid; Szwarc, Monika; Błachucki, Mateusz; Brancusi, Lavinia; Sperka-Cieciura, Alina; Jankowska, Marlena; Kleczkowska, Agata; Czarnecki, Łukasz; Mazan, Aleksander; Suknarowska-Drzewiecka, Ewa; Klaus, Witold; Kuczyńska, Hanna; Wiktorska, Paulina; Buczkowski, Konrad

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All articles published in "Contemporary Central & East European Law" are published under the CC-BY open license. By submitting a publishing proposal, the authors agree to grant a free, non-exclusive and territorially unlimited CC-BY 4.0 PL license, if the article will be accepted for publication in the biannual journal.