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Euphony, harmony and dissonance in the international legal order = Eufonia, harmonia i dysonans w międzynarodowym porządku prawnym = Euphonie, harmonie et dissonance dans l’ordre juridique international : Liber amicorum Władysław Czapliński
(ILS PAS, 2024) Arcari, Maurizio; Bonafé, Beatrice; Balcerzak, Michał; Balmond, Louis; Barcz, Jan; Cała-Wacinkiewicz, Ewelina; Chen, Chun-i; Grzebyk, Patrycja; Hamamoto, Shotaro; Hilpold, Peter; Hobe, Stephan; Jakubowski, Andrzej; Kamiński, Ireneusz C.; Kleczkowska, Agata; Kornobis-Romanowska, Dagmara; Kowalik-Bańczyk, Krystyna; Kowalski, Michał; Kovács, Péter; Kozłowski, Artur; Kranz, Jerzy; Kritsiotis, Dino; Krzan, Bartłomiej; Kwiecień, Roman; Lugato, Monica; Łukańko, Bernard; Marin, Nikolay; Menkes, Jerzy; Menkes, Marcin; Mik, Cezary; Mikołajczyk, Barbara; Millet-Devalle, Anne; Oeter, Stefan; Richter, Dagmar; Roth, Brad R; Sadowski, Wojciech; Saganek, Przemysław; Seršić, Maja; Šturma, Pavel; Szwarc, Monika; Torres Cazorl, María Isabel; Vadapalas, Vilenas; Wieruszewski, Roman; Wierczyńska, Karolina; Wójtowicz, Krzysztof; Wyrozumska, Anna; Zappalà, Salvatore; Kowalik-Bańczyk, Krystyna; Wierczyńska, Karolina; Jakubowski, Andrzej
Publikacja składa się z 44 tekstów dotyczących problematyki prawa międzynarodowego publicznego. Z uwagi na specyfikę publikacji zostały one ułożone w porządku alfabetycznym nazwisk autorów. Niezależnie od tego daje się wskazać kilka większych obszarów, w odniesieniu do których praca wnosi istotny wkład. W publikacji da się wyróżnić cztery zasadnicze wątki. Na pierwszy składają się teksty dotyczące samych fundamentów prawa międzynarodowego. W tym obszarze należy sytuować samą refleksję na temat natury prawa międzynarodowego, jego źródeł, odpowiedzialności międzynarodowej. Na szczególne podkreślenie zasługuje opracowania S. Hobe, The International Legal Order : Too Fragile to be an Attractive Safety Net dotyczące samego porządku międzynarodowoprawnego. Autor ukazuje szereg zagrożeń dla porządku międzynarodowoprawnego i rozważa, w jaki sposób wpływają one na samą istotę tego prawa. Do zagrożeń tych zalicza blokowanie systemu rozwiązywania sporów w WTO, wojnę w Strefie Gazy i na Ukrainie. Rozważania na temat istoty prawa międzynarodowego przedstawia E. Cała-Wacinkiewicz, Między dysonansem a eufonią - o sile jedności systemu prawa międzynarodowego w kontekście jego fragmentacji. W tym nurcie mieszczą się też rozważania M. Arcari i B. Bonafe (Divisive Jus Cogens) poświęcone ius cogens. Autorzy stawiają szereg fundamentalnych pytań na temat istoty ius cogens. Należy do nich przede wszystkim to, czy normy takie mogą być tworzone za pomocą umów międzynarodowych i czy norm ius cogens można szukać wśród tych regulujących podstawy stosunków międzynarodowych. Odnosi si ę te ż do metod zapewnienia wymuszania respektowania norm ius cogens. Kilka opracowań dotyczy zagadnienia źródeł prawa międzynarodowego i zasad ogólnych - rozdziały P. Saganka, M. Kozłowskiego, M. Lugato, R. Kwiecień, Chun-i-Chen i A. Wyrozumskiej. Także w tym obszarze należy sytuować opracowanie B. Rotha, Recognition Doctrine' s Unacknowledged Centrality to the International Legal Order, dotyczące znaczenia instytucji uznania międzynarodowego dla prawa międzynarodowego. W tym ogólnym nurcie mieszczą się trzy opracowania dotyczące szeroko rozumianej odpowiedzialności . Dwa z nich dotyczą odpowiedzialności rozumianej jako responsibility, tj. odpowiedzialność za złamanie prawa międzynarodowego (M. Balcerzak, Odpowiedzialność międzynarodowa państwa a Europejska Konwencja Praw Człowieka : kilka refleksji; P. Sturma, Possible Ways to an International Compensation Mechanism). Tzw. liability, czyli odpowiedzialności za działania niezabronione przez prawo międzynarodowe dotyczy rodział M. Seršić, Liability of Statessine delicto. Drugą grupę rozdziałów stanowią opracowania odnoszące się do bardziej konkretnych norm czy instytucji prawa międzynarodowego. Na szczególne odnotowanie zasługuje kilka wartościowych opracowań dotyczących Unii Europejskiej i jej prawa (D. Kornobis-Roanowska, Eufonia w prawie mi ędzynarodowym wobec zgiełku czasu - rola Unii Europejskiej w tworzeniu mi ędzynarodowego prawa humanitarnego; J. Kranz, Między nadrzędnością, pierwszeństwem i praworządnością; M. Szwarc, Prawo karne Unii Europejskiej - w poszukiwaniu harmonii). Drugim wątkiem tego nurtu jest międzynarodowe prawo karne, szczególnie aktualne obecnie wobec konfliktu na Ukrianie i w Strefie Gazy. P. Kovacs, In the second place , where appropriate ... Considerations on the position of general international law in the jurisprudence of the International Criminal Court w prezentuje to jaki wpływ na dorobek Międzynarodowego Trybunału Karnego ma prawo międzynarodowe. Do zbliżonej tematyki — choć z perspektywy Międzynarodowego Trybunału Sprawiedliwości — odnosi się tekst K. Wierczyńskiej i S. Zaręby, Obowiązki państw w kontekście zbrodni ludobójstwa w świetle dorobku orzeczniczego Międzynarodowego Trybunału Sprawiedliwości, w której autorzy analizują jak przebiega ewolucja praktyki MTS w zakresie interpretacji konwencji w sprawie ludobójstwa. Opracowań odnoszących się do MTS jest kilka - są to rozdziały P. Grzebyk, P. Hilpolda, W. Sadowskiego. W pracy znalazły się też opracowania poświęcone najnowszemu dorobkowi orzeczniczemu Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka: (A. Jakubowski, The Right to Cultural Heritage in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights; B. Łukańko, Środek tymczasowy w rozumieniu art. 39 Regulaminu Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka – zagadnienia wybrane). Trzecią grupę stanowią opracowania odnoszące się do konkretnych zdarzeń związanych z prawem międzynarodowym czy konkretnych dokumentów lub orzeczeń. Na szczeg ólne odnotowanie zasługuje aktualne opracowanie L. Balmonda, Ukraine, Haut Karabakh, Israël et Gaza : la s écurit é collective en question. W tej części nalezy sytuować także rozdziały autorstwa K. Kowalik-Bańczyk oraz A. Kleczkowskiej. Czwartą grupę stanowią opracowania dotyczące stosunków polsko-niemieckich. Składają się na nią rozdziały autorstwa J. Barcza, S. Oetrera i D. Richter.
International Cooperation, Competition Authorities and Transnational Networks
(Taylor & Francis, 2023) Błachucki, Mateusz
This book presents a synthesis of selected trends in the dynamics and structure of crime in Poland over the past 30 years, in the context of ongoing social transformations in the wider region. The book explores the impact of the deep systemic transformation of the late 1980s and early 1990s on the phenomenon of crime, its structure and dynamics, and the policy of its control in the following decades. It also examines the impact of changes resulting from the dynamic development of Polish society in the 21st century in the context of global changes towards the emergence of a new form of collective life, a mobile information society based on modern technologies. The focus is primarily on those deviant behaviours that can most obviously be linked to social changes, primarily political, economic, legal, and technological. The work examines disclosed crime figures available in official statistics. It also looks to the future considering the global societal changes caused by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on preliminary observations made in selected countries, the authors describe associated changes in criminal behaviour and identify some pivotal developments that may influence future trends. The book will be of interest to academics and researchers working in the areas of criminal law, criminology, sociology and criminal policy.
Mobilities, Social Change and Crime : Lessons from Poland
(Taylor & Francis, 2024) Buczkowski, Konrad; Wiktorska, Paulina
This book presents a synthesis of selected trends in the dynamics and structure of crime in Poland over the past 30 years, in the context of ongoing social transformations in the wider region. The book explores the impact of the deep systemic transformation of the late 1980s and early 1990s on the phenomenon of crime, its structure and dynamics, and the policy of its control in the following decades. It also examines the impact of changes resulting from the dynamic development of Polish society in the 21st century in the context of global changes towards the emergence of a new form of collective life, a mobile information society based on modern technologies. The focus is primarily on those deviant behaviours that can most obviously be linked to social changes, primarily political, economic, legal, and technological. The work examines disclosed crime figures available in official statistics. It also looks to the future considering the global societal changes caused by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on preliminary observations made in selected countries, the authors describe associated changes in criminal behaviour and identify some pivotal developments that may influence future trends. The book will be of interest to academics and researchers working in the areas of criminal law, criminology, sociology and criminal policy.
Compliance w spółkach kapitałowych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem spółek z udziałem Skarbu Państwa
(2024) Staniszewska, Zuzanna
Corporate governance and compliance in state-owned companies are recognized as crucial areas of regulation by the European Commission, World Bank and the OECD. This is because state ownership influences the corporate governance model and compliance obligations within these entities. The main issue of the dissertation is whether the current regulation of compliance duties under Polish law in state-owned companies allows effective protection against non-compliance and levels the playing field with private entities. Despite the separate set of compliance norms included in law acts aimed at these types of companies, the current legal framework raises doubts about the integrity and transparency of decision-making in state-owned companies. This issue is compounded by the specific status of state-owned companies resulting from the supervision exercised over them by the state under the competence of relevant government members, along with the Prime Minister, who both supervise these companies and act as regulators for such companies. To reduce the risk of being used as a pretext for political purposes by a party or a group, the implementation of the public interest in state-owned companies cannot exclude the application of corporate governance principles and should be guaranteed in the company's statute or articles of association.
The aim of the study is to identify compliance norms and determine areas of non-compliance risk with legal regulations to assess the significance of compliance in state-owned companies. The scope of the thesis includes compliance norms (soft law and legislative) directed at capital companies, with a particular focus on those applied to state-owned and legal characteristics of state-owned companies, including the specifics of conducting business activities, requirements regarding their bodies, and principles of ownership supervision. The research attempted to apply selected sources of compliance obligations to companies with a unique ownership tructure due to state involvement. Given the dual source of law regarding the state economic activities (dominium), i.e., those applicable to all capital companies and those forming the system for state-owned companies, an in-depth analysis combining both categories was necessary to fully illustrate the complex legal architecture. Analyzing compliance norms sources allowed for the identification of distinguishing features of these norms.
The entity responsible for identifying compliance norms at the company level is the compliance unit and management. An effective compliance management system enables the prevention of abuses and violation of law. In the case of state-owned companies, it also creates equal market rules compared to private entities. Despite available regulatory tools for implementing compliance management system (CMS) in these companies, they have not been utilized so far. One solution based on the existing regulations is to issue by the Prime Minister a document of best practices for compliance in state-owned companies. Therefore, the study suggests the need to establish an obligation to implement a compliance system in state-owned companies either through 1) best practices established by the entity responsible for coordinating the exercise of state rights in companies (the Prime Minister), 2) as a provision in the State Property Management Act, or 3) as an obligation in the Companies Code applicable to all qualifying capital companies. The study formulates recommendations for future legislative reforms in this area (de lege ferenda).
To achieve its objectives the thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter introduces the research topic, justifies its selection, specifies research questions and hypothesis, outlines the structure and research methods used, as well as lists the literature and main legal sources. The second chapter discusses key terminology and essential aspects of compliance, such as its definition, types of compliance activities, and its importance for organizational functioning. The third chapter presents the legal basis of compliance norms in companies and outlines the complex network of Polish and international regulations defining companies' obligations in this regard. The fourth chapter provides legal justification for distinguishing state-owned companies among commercial companies and discusses the specifics of compliance activities in state-owned capital companies. Finally, the fifth chapter conducts a comparative study on legal norms regarding the obligation to establish a compliance management system in stateowned companies in two selected jurisdictions: French and American, as well as analyzes the regulatory gap in compliance regulations concerning state-owned companies. In these countries the obligation to establish compliance management system results from sources specific to a given system and depends primarily on the size of the enterprise and whether the company is listed on the stock exchange.
The dissertation concludes the research on compliance systems and sources of compliance norms, detailed regulations on legal compliance obligations, and relates them to ownership supervision of Polish state-owned companies. The attempt to identify compliance obligations in state-owned companies arises from two legislative and political factors: gradual reforms in state commercial activity worldwide due to economic crises and the increasing number of compliance and regulatory due diligence obligations for all commercial companies - a result of public expectations regarding business responsibility for actions affecting corporate governance, labor, human rights, the environment, and climate change.
Amerykańskie prawo do posiadania i noszenia broni w kontekście historycznym, normatywnym i społecznym
(2024) Kapica, Paula Weronika
The main purpose of the dissertation is to present the US right to bear arms provided for by the Second Amendment to the US Constitution from a historical perspective, the evolution of its regulation at the federal level and outline recent trends in both federal and state legislation and jurisprudence, as well as to contrast this right with public opinion and civil and human rights.
Chapter one reconstructs federal regulations from the time of the adoption of the Second Amendment to the present by presenting them in the broader context of state regulations, which constitute the bulk of all legal regulation in the United States. Chapter two analyzes the nature of the right protected by the Second Amendment. The basic issue under scrutiny is whether the right to bear arms is an individual right granted to an indi-vidual, or a collective right that can only be exercised through citizen militias and belongs to the states. The third chapter is an analysis of US jurisprudence on the Second Amend-ment, primarily decisions of the Supreme Court and federal courts. The primary issue analyzed was the nature of the right granted by the Second Amendment and the process of its incorporation at the state level. Chapter four presents contemporary regulations re-lating to the right of access to guns at the federal and state levels to show the complexity of regulations and their variation. The fifth chapter presents the latest trends and changes in public opinion regarding the right of access to guns. It discusses American gun culture, the phenomenon of mass shootings and their im-pact on legislative action. Chapter six presents the right to keep and bear arms in a broader international context and attempts to place this right in the human rights grid.