Barcz, JanVadapalas, VilenasWeisburd, Arthur MarkSorel, Jean-MarcCzapliński, WładysławRobles, Jr., Alfredo C.Torrecuadrada García-Lozano, SoledadMoreno, NathalieAntonowicz, LechZiętek, AgataŁaski, PiotrGomuła, JoannaPłachta, MichałRzeplińska, IrenaWasilkowski, Andrzej2020-09-112020-09-111997-1998"Polish Yearbook of International Law" 1997-1998, vol. XXIII0554-498X<< s. 7-19 >>ANDRZEJ WASILKOWSKI,International Law and International Relations in the New Polish Constitution of 2 April 1997<< s. 21-34 >>JAN BARCZ,Membership of Poland in the European Union in the Light of the Constitution of 2 April 1997. Constitutional Act on Integration<< s. 35-50 >>VILENAS VADAPALAS,Codification of the Law of International Responsibility by the International Law Commission: Breach of International Law and its Consequences<< s. 51-67 >>ARTHUR MARK WEISBURD,International Crimes of States: The Decay of an Idea<< s. 69-85 >>JEAN-MARC SOREL,L’avenir du «crime» en droit international à la lumière de l’experience du jus cogens<< s. 87-97 >>WŁADYSŁAW CZAPLIŃSKI,Concepts of jus cogens and Obligations erga omneš in International Law in the Light of Recent Developments<< s. 99-126 >>ALFREDO C. ROBLES, JR.,La succession d’Etats devant. La Cour internationale de justice<< s. 127-170 >>SOLEDAD TORRECUADRADA,Le rôle consentement dans la succession d’Etats aux traités<< s. 171-190 >>NATHALIE MORENO,Le règlement de différends dans la succession d’Etats<< s. 191-200 >>LECH ANTONOWICZ,The International Legal Status of the Republic of China on Taiwan<< s. 201-217 >>AGATA ZIĘTEK,The Status of China’s Hong Kong Special Administrative Region<< s. 219-227 >>PIOTR ŁASKI,The Prescription in International Law - Some Remarks<< s. 229-250 >>JOANNA GOMUŁA,The Standard of Review of Article 17.6 of the Anti-Dumping Agreement and the Problem of its Extension to Other WTO Agreements<< s. 251-276 >>MICHAŁ PŁACHTA,‘To Extradite or Not to Extradite” (a National): Old Dilemma in a New Setting<< s. 277-287 >>IRENA RZEPLIŃSKA,Foreigner Crime in Poland<< s. 289-300 >>Polish Practice in International Law<< s. 301-327 >>Book Reviews<< s. 329-346 >>Polish Bibliography of International Law, 1997international lawInternational RelationsConstitution of the Republic of Poland of 2 April 1997Poland in the European UnionAct on Integrationinternational responsibilityBreach of International LawL’avenir du crimedroit internationalConcepts of jus cogensObligations erga omnešCour Internationale de JusticeLe règlement de différendsRepublic of China on TaiwanChinaHong KongChina’s Special Administrative RegionArticle 17.6 of the Anti-Dumping AgreementWTOextraditionForeigner CrimePolandjurisprudencePolish Supreme CourtConstitutional Courtpublic international lawprivate international lawinternational agreementsRepublic of PolandUmbruchRudolf Bernhardtsources of international lawAustraliaEastern EuropeCentral EuropeInternational Obligations erga omnešinternational crimesInternational Responsibility of StatesDas Minderheitenrecht europäischerPraxis des Europarechts, Grundrecht auf AsylAsylFree Movement of PersonsUEMigrant WorkersInternational Human RightsProtection in Countries of EmploymentProtection of EmploymentAnti-DumpingDispute Settlement Systeminternational organizationsdispute settlement"Polish Yearbook of International Law" 1997-1998, vol. XXIIIPeriodical