Szafarz, RenataVadapalas, VilenasCzapliński, WładysławJasudowicz, TadeuszCepelka, CestmirIngelse, ChrisŚturma, PavelMik, CezaryMikołajczyk, BarbaraMachowski, JacekIlasz, LiviusŻylicz, MarekFernández Sola, NatividadSvoboda, PavelCottier, BertilGerber, AlexandraKnaflewski, StanisławSiehr, Kurt2020-09-102020-09-101993"Polish Yearbook of International Law" 1993, vol. XX0554-498X<< s. 7-15 >>RENATA SZAFARZ,Towards Ali-European International Law<< s. 17-35 >>VILENAS VADAPALAS,L’ intérêt pour agir en responsabilité internationale<< s. 37-45 >>WŁADYSŁAW CZAPLIŃSKI,The Lockerbie Case- some Comments<< s. 47-61 >>TADEUSZ JASUDOWICZ,The Polish-Russian Delimitation in former East Prussia in the Light of the Potsdam Agreement: Interpretation and Implementation as against Accomplished Facts<< s. 63-73 >>CESTMIR CEPELKA,The Dispute over the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Systems of Locks is Drawing to a Close<< s. 75-90 >>CHRIS INGELSE,Soft Law?<< s. 91-112 >>PAVEL ŚTURMA,La responsabilité en dehors de l’illicite en droit international économique<< s. 113-136 >>CEZARY MIK,On the Specific Character of State Obligations in the Field of Human Rights<< s. 137-150 >>BARBARA MIKOŁAJCZYK,Universal Protection of Minorities<< s. 151-173 >>JACEK MACHOWSKI,The Right to Freedom of Scientific Investigation under Space Law<< s. 175-194 >>LIVIUS ILASZ,The Legal Framework of a Polish-American Economic Cooperation<< s. 195-208 >>MAREK ŻYLICZ,Increasing Air Passenger Compensation Within or Around the Warsaw System<< s. 209-223 >>NATIVIDAD FERNANDEZ SOLA,Quelques aspects de la participation de la Communauté Européenne aux enceintes internationales et aux accords multilatéraux<< s. 225-252 >>PAVEL SVOBODA,L’association dans la théorie et la pratique de l’Union européenne<< s. 253-268 >>BERTIL COTTIER and ALEXANDRA GERBER,Some Problems Regarding Ratification and Implementation of the European Economic Area Agreement in the EFTA Member States<< s. 269-303 >>STANISŁAW KNAFLEWSKI,The EC Competition Policy - Trade Policy Tension in Light of the ECJ Case-Law<< s. 305-316 >>KURT SIEHR,Recent Trends in European Private International Law<< s. 317-334 >>Polish Practice in International Law<< s. 335-336 >>Obituaries<< s. 337-377 >>Book Review<< s. 378-391 >>BibliographyAll-European International LawChinese Yearbook of International Law and Affairsproblemy prawnehandel zagranicznyresponsabilité internationaleAcquisition of Shares in a Foreign CountryGemeinsames Privatrecht in der EuropäischenEuropean Environmental LawEuropean CommunityThe Lockerbie CaseEast PrussiaPotsdam AgreementPolish-Russian DelimitationGabcikovo-Nagymaros SystemsProtection of Minoritiessoft lawdroit international économiqueState Obligationshuman rightsThe Right to Freedom of Scientific InvestigationCentral European CountriesEGOst-EuropaEuropaischen GemeinschaftenSpace LawPolish-American Economic CooperationAir PassengerWarsaw SystemCommunauté EuropdenneUnion europenneEuropean Economic Area AgreementEFTAEC Competition PolicyECJ Case-LawEuropean Private International Lawpolish practice in international lawSupreme CourtConstitutional Courtpublic international lawprivate international lawInternational TreatiesPolandRemigiusz BierzanekRole of Domestic Legal SystemsModem LawSelf Determinationnielegalne użycie siłyIllegal Use of ForceDie Rechtsstellung der De-facto-FlichtlingeDie Assoziierung osteuropaiischer StaatenBedingungen einer Asylgesetzgebung der Europlischen GemeinschaftEG-StaatenInternational RelationsSchengenThird Parties in International Lawodpowiedzialność międzynarodowaszkoda jądrowaLiability of StateNuclear Damageobszary morskiedelimitacjamaritime areasDelimitationFöderalismusintegrationSezessionochrona praw obywatelskichochrona praw politycznychMiędzynarodowy Pakt Praw Obywatelskich i PolitycznychProtection of Civil RightsProtection of Political RightsInternational Covenant on Civil and Political Rightsprotection of human rightsMonitoring Human RightsLa protection des droitsConvention européenneDie Wiedergutmachung von Menschenrechtsverletzungen im VolkerrechtDas Minderheitenrecht europäischer"Polish Yearbook of International Law" 1993, vol. XXPeriodical