Czapliński, WładysławGrabowska, GenowefaOstrihansky, RudolfPrzyborowska-Klimczak, AnnaSawicki, StefanSymonides, JanuszSzafarz, RenataTomaszewski, MaciejWiśniewski, Andrzej2020-09-092020-09-091989-1990"Polish Yearbook of International Law" 1989-1990, vol. XVIII0554-498X<< s. 7-16 >>WŁADYSŁAW CZAPLIŃSKI,The Polish-East German Dispute on the Delimitation of Maritime Areas in the Bay of Pomerania— an Appraisal<< s. 17-29 >>GENOWEFA M. GRABOWSKA,Les avis consultatifs de la Cour Internationale de Justice<< s. 31-45 >>RUDOLF OSTRIHANSKY,The “Mazilu Opinion” of the International Court of Justice and Its Contribution to Clarification of International Law<< s. 47-72 >>ANNA PRZYBOROWSKA-KLIMCZAK,Les notions des « biens culturels » et du « patrimoine culturel mondial » dans le droit international<< s. 73-86 >>STEFAN SAWICKI,Privilege of Inviolability of Consular Archives and Premises<< s. 87-98 >>JANUSZ SYMONIDES,Les fonctions de la justice internationale dans les relations internationales contemporaines<< s. 99-112 >>RENATA SZAFARZ,Treaty Obligations of Poland in the Field of Settlement of International Disputes<< s. 113-151 >>Materials of Polish-Dutch Conference on International Law<< s. 153-161 >>MACIEJ TOMASZEWSKI,The Polish Court Judgements in International Civil Law Cases<< s. 163-167 >>ANDRZEJ W. WIŚNIEWSKI,Awards of the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Foreign Trade in Warsaw<< s. 169-182 >>Book Reviews<< s. 183-187 >>Treaties<< s. 189-205 >>BibliographyThe Polish-East German DisputeDelimitation of Maritime AreasBay of PomeraniaCour Internationale de JusticeMazilu OpinionInternational Court of Justiceinternational lawbiens culturelspatrimoine culturel mondialdroit internationalPrivilege of InviolabilityConsular ArchivesConsular Premisesjustice internationaleTreaty Obligations of PolandSettlement of International DisputesPolish-Dutch Conference on International LawEuropean System of Peaceful Settlement of DisputesArie Bloed's ThesesPaving the RoadInvestment IssuesICSIDjurisprudenceThe Polish Court JudgementsInternational Civil Law CasesCourt of ArbitrationPolish Chamber of Foreign TradeWarsawStates and Territoriespaństwa i terytoriaEquityequalityfunkcjonariusze międzynarodowiInternational Civil ServantskosmoszbrojeniaOuter SpaceArms RaceZasady Nowego Międzynarodowego Ładu GospodarczegoThe Principles of the New International Economic Orderwielostronne stosunki traktatowe PolskiPoland's MultilateralTheaty RelationsPoland in 1988 and 1989"Polish Yearbook of International Law" 1989-1990, vol. XVIIIPeriodical