Szentgáli-Tóth, BoldizsárSiwik, RobertFlorecka, JoannaSperka-Cieciura, AlinaWernicka, KingaSchulz, Anna NataliaUrbańska-Łukaszewicz, Anna2024-09-192024-09-1920232719-4256<< s. 5-6 >> Abbreviations << s. 7 >> Foreword << s. 9-31 >> Boldizsár Szentgáli-Tóth A concept at the edge of national and European constitutional law: Different understandings within the same region. Constitutional identity in Poland and Hungary << s. 33-41 >> Robert Siwik Repair of procurement damage: Discussion on the basic of the Supreme Court resolution of 25 February 2021 (III CZP 16/20) << s. 43-61 >> Joanna Florecka The social objectives of EU public procurement law – evolution or revolution << s. 63-80 >> Alina Sperka-Cieciura The impact of a company ownership structure on managing airport functions << s. 81-92 >> Kinga Wernicka Green marks and local economic development << s. 93-106 >> Anna Natalia Schulz The role of court guardians in proceedings under the 1980 Hague Convention on the civil aspects of international child abduction. Issues selected in the light of a case files’ research << s. 107-122 >> Anna Urbańska-Łukaszewicz The legal situation of minor parents in determining the parentage of their child and placing it for adoptionenEU public procurement lawnational constitutional lawEuropean constitutional lawconstitutional identityPolandHungaryprocurement damageSupreme Court resolution of 25 February 2021 (III CZP 16/20)company ownership structuremanaging airport functionslocal economiccourt guardiansproceedings under the 1980 Hague Conventioninternational child abductionminor parentsdetermining the parentageadoptionContemporary Central & East European Law 2023, No 2. (134)