Foltea, Marina2020-03-112020-03-112020-02-28M. Foltea, The proper Role of Intellectual Property in Controlling Counterfeiting of Tobacco Products in the EU, ILS PAS Working Papers 1/2020,Warsaw 2020.10.5281/zenodo.3701738<< s. 7 >>Introduction<< s. 8-9 >>Defining Trade in Illict Tobacco Products<< s. 10-12 >>The International Intellectual Property Rights Standard<< s. 13-20 >>Free Trade Agreements: EU and US Practice<< s. 21-29 >>The UE Domestic Practice<< s. 30-37 >>Other Jurisdictions: the Case of USA<< s. 38-40>>Reccomendations for Possible Regulatory Responses<< s. 40 >>Concluding RemarksTrade in illicit tobacco – a term which includes trade in contraband, counterfeit and illicit whites (also referred to as ‘cheap whites’) – has become a serious problem across the global due to its scale and the hazards which such products may cause. Among the different forms of illicit tobacco trading and different types of legislation, this report concentrates on trade in counterfeit cigarettes and looks at the role that IPRs and their enforcement plays in controlling such trade in the EU. Stated differently, the report focuses on illicit tobacco trading in counterfeit cigarettes in EU and the role that IP laws and their enforcement could play in repressing such trade. More specifically, the report will: (i) assess the proper role of IP law enforcement in fighting counterfeit cigarettes; (ii) analyse whether the EU or other anti-counterfeit legislation and specific border enforcement mechanisms provide an adequate regulatory response to be implemented in these countries; (iii) study other jurisdictions (most notably the US) to ascertain whether the EU could modify its approach and standards in order to more effectively combat counterfeit tobacco; and (iv) propose recommendations on effective modification and implementation of these standards into the national system. The report outlines the international framework, including the multilateral Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (‘TRIPS Agreement’) and the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), compares the approaches of the EU and US on the issue in bilateral and regional free trade agreements, reviews the relevant legislation and internal practice of the EU, with a focus on the United Kingdom, and provides an overview of the US domestic framework. The report concludes with recommendations for the EU to adopt certain measures to further strengthen its laws and regulations.(i) assess the proper role of IP law enforcement in fighting counterfeit cigarettes;(ii) analyse whether the EU or other anti-counterfeit legislation and specific border enforcement mechanisms provide an adequate regulatory response to be implemented in these countries;(iii) study other jurisdictions (most notably the US) to ascertain whether the EU could modify its approach and standards in order to more effectively combat counterfeit tobacco; and(iv) propose recommendations on effective modification and implementation of these standards into the national system.The report outlines the international framework, including the multilateral Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (‘TRIPS Agreement’) and the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), compares the approaches of the EU and US on the issue in bilateral and regional free trade agreements, reviews the relevant legislation and internal practice of the EU, with a focus on the United Kingdom, and provides an overview of the US domestic framework. The report concludes with recommendations for the EU to adopt certain measures to further strengthen its laws and regulations.enprawo własności intelektualnejnielegalny handel wyrobami tytoniowymiodpowiedzialność karnaumowy o wolnym handluUnia EuropejskaStany ZjednoczonePorozumienie w sprawie Handlowych Aspektów Praw Własności Intelektualnej (TRIPS)The proper Role of Intellectual Property in Controlling Counterfeiting of Tobacco Products in the EUWorking Paper